Southern Africa Transport Conference | Infrastructure news

Please be advised that Siyabonga Gama, CEO of Transnet Freight Rail has been confirmed as a plenary speaker during the opening session at the Southern African Transport Conference on Monday 8 July. Gama will take the place of Brian Molefe, CEO of Transnet who can no longer attend SATC 2013.

For more information on the programme please visit: FINAL-ANNOUNCEMENT-BROCHURE-2013-condensed

The conference has secured another plenary speaker Dr J Zietsman from Texas A & M Transportation Institute to speak at the conference. Below is a synopsis of what his presentation will touch on as well.

Dr. Zietsman is the Head of the Environment and Air Quality Division at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).


This presentation will focus on the topic of sustainability and how it has evolved in the transportation sector.  Common myths regarding sustainability and sustainable transport will be addressed. The presentation will highlight initiatives in the United States (including the new transportation legislation, MAP 21), as well as initiatives from other countries.


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