New customs procedure discussed | Infrastructure news

A stakeholder workshop in Komatipoort hosted by the Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (MCLI), discussed the issues being experienced by users on the corridor with the introduction of the new customs procedures for goods in transit through Mozambique and for exports into that country.

MCLI CEO, Barbara Mommen, chaired the meeting which was attended by the clearing and freight forwarding fraternity, transporters, trade operators, cargo owners and the Single Electronic Window (SeW) team.

Key outcomes of the meeting:

• where previously, the customs officials were responsible for inputting information into the TradeNet system and populating the SAD 502, as of 14 October 2013 clearing agents are responsible for populating and printing the SAD 502.

• delays and limited operating hours at KM4 have been addressed. From the 28th October 2013, operational hours at KM4 were increased. Commercial cargo can now be processed from 6am to 10pm. These hours now correspond with those of the South African Revenue Service and will greatly reduce the delays that have been experienced.

  • foreign clearing agents through their Mozambique counterparts must take the initiative to apply to Mozambique customs on the possibility of capturing the means of transport data directly on to the SeW system. Note: this scenario has not been tested before and Alfandegas has undertaken to consider each application on merit.
Any urgent customs related issues on the corridor can be forwarded to These emails are flagged directly into the CEO and Customs and Cross Border Manager’s inboxes and are addressed to the relevant customs authority for resolution.

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