Protecting Africa’s endangered leopards | Infrastructure news

Panthera, the world’s leading big-cat conservation organisation has signed an agreement with DHL Express for the shipment and distribution of faux leopard skins to South Africa for use in traditional Shembe ceremonial practices.

The shipping will be on a pro bono basis faux leopard skins from manufacturers in China to South Africa, under a contract that extends to May 2015.

Hennie Heymans, Managing Director of DHL Express South Africa said, “Conservation is a major issue in Africa and there is a lot of passion for the ‘big five’ African animals, namely elephant, rhinoceros, lion, Cape buffalo and leopard, with elephants and rhinos in particular getting a lot of attention. However, there are many endangered species in the region, such as the leopard, that receives little publicity or support.”

This innovative animal conservation initiative – designed to protect a species threatened with extinction, while at the same time maintaining a long-time South African tradition – was put together by US-based organisation, Panthera.

Heymans says, “Panthera’s initiative is fantastic and innovative as it respects human culture and traditions, as well as the conservation of a magnificent animal, and as a result they are providing their logistics expertise and raising awareness of a complex issue through their own network and resources. This partnership between Panthera and us is a natural fit, as Panthera’s big cat expertise combined with our global reach is a winning solution for conservation.”

Leopard fur has become customary ceremonial attire worn by the over five-million strong members of the Shembe church, which is part of the vibrant cultural landscape of South Africa for over 100 years. Previously worn by Zulu royalty and chiefs, the leopard furs, or amambatha as they are referred to locally, form a ceremonial, religious dress that symbolises beauty, power and prestige. These amambatha are now desired by a growing number of male Shembe followers. At a single Shembe gathering, over 1,000 leopard skins are worn by members. Although many skins are old and are passed down from generation to generation, many new ones are a result of poaching, leading to shrinking leopard numbers.

faux leopard skins shipment image

Unloading the first shipment

Luke Hunter, President of Panthera, said, “To date 2,000 faux leopard amambatha or traditional shoulder capes have been shipped for our project. The Shembe have shown they are willing to embrace the use of our high-quality alternatives to real leopard skin – that translates to 1,000 leopards saved from poachers. We could only have made such major strides in conserving the magnificent leopard with the cooperation of the Shembe and the support of the courier company.”

The courier company is active in supporting animal conservation projects all over Africa from the movement of rhinos to Tanzania and gorillas to Gabon, as well as supporting other local causes, including an orphaned elephant, MrBrrr.

Shembe elder and legal advisor, Lizwi Ncwane, stated, “As a leader of the Shembe community, I have seen firsthand how receptive my community is to using these fake skins. Not only do they look and feel like real leopard skins, they also last longer. We’re grateful that Panthera has worked with us in finding a solution that interweaves the conservation of leopards with the customs of the Shembe.”

Panthera has been working with Shembe leadership to educate its members about the leopard crisis across Southern Africa and has worked with digital designers and clothing companies to create a high-quality, affordable faux leopard skin for use in ceremonies. Panthera’s project, which has won the support of Shembe leaders, has been praised by CNN and National Geographic, as an innovative conservation solution that respects local cultural practices.

DHL and Panthera - Infographic image

DHL and Panthera – Infographic

For more on the DHL-Panthera collaboration, please see: .

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