Innovation: Key to growth | Infrastructure news

Collaboration and innovation is critical to improving the country’s GDP, according to Dr Beverley Waugh, executive director of the South African Shippers Council.

The South African Shippers Council recently surveyed the industry to find out what are the main issues for both cargo owners and supply chain logistical providers. Though infrastructure is a huge issue, the need to improve operational issues rated higher for the companies surveyed.

“We are all trying to get our products out into the market place both as cargo owners and service logistic providers,which is why we need to look at what the customer service issuesare and the costs the industry faces. It is important to see how each aspect impacts on the next. As a cargo owner or logistics provider, your life is ruled by the different rights: getting the right product to the right place at the right time in the right quantity and right quality – and if that is not bad enough getting it to market at the right price.

“How difficult is it to get that all right with the congestion on the roads with the shortage of skills and the lack of information throughout the supply chain? How difficult is it to achieve all of these rights at the same time? If we look at the different costs and how they impact each other, we see how integration is absolutely critical,” says Waugh.

“We have to look at the big picture. It is not just about getting your product at the right time at the right place; it is also about managing the costs and we cannot just manage the one cost in isolation from the next – we have to manage them all together.”

She adds that there needs to be more collaboration between government, cargo operators, and owners and service logistical providers throughout the whole supply chain. “Gone are the days where we can all do our own thing and hope for the best. The markets are so competitive and if we do not get our acts together as South Africa we will watch our GDP decline and we will watch our unemployment grow.

“The Shippers Council can lobby as one voice for both cargo owners and logistic service providers when approaching government with industry concerns. Stating what our issues are and how we can improve our operations and work together.We are all on the same team and we are all trying to get our products to market.”

She concludes: “Innovation is key for everyone.If we can see what is happening in the different value chains we can really improve the whole transport sector and supply chain for the benefit of everyone.”


The South African Shippers Council is a Non-profit Organization, registered with the Department of Social Development. Registration number: 055-301-NPO


To be the preferred voice through which South African cargo owners influence and improve the global supply chain.


  • to understand the needs and requirements of members to influence relevant stakeholders
  • to be the preferred entry to cargo owners on collective issues
  • to be a source of supply chain knowledge.

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