Wheels keep on turning | Infrastructure news

One is never too old to fulfil a dream and Andries Ndlehe is a great example on how as one door closes another one opens enabling him to live his dream.

As he approaches his 70s, Andries Ndlehe, owner and driving force behind Leeu Transport is looking at expanding his transport services into neighbouring countries.

This growth and vision is a far cry from when Leeu Transport started in 2007.

At that time, Andries had just been retrenched from his position as driver with a company for which he had worked for 25 years. The business went into liquidation, leaving all its staff in the lurch.

Rather than sitting back, and already in his 60s, Andries used his severance package to buy a truck from his former employers with a view to starting his own transport business.

Seven years later he has a fleet of 16 vehicles and trailers to transport machinery and structural steel for a number of customers, particularly in the mining industry.

His success has been supported by Murray & Roberts through its Enterprise Development Programme, to which more than R143 million was committed in the 2013 financial year. Leeu Transport is one of 19 companies supported by this programme.

Ndlehe says, “I am very grateful to Murray & Roberts for the help they have given me. They have helped me tremendously to grow my business, which is not yet finished. Through their support I am planning to expand into transporting into the rest of Africa.”

By virtue of being a beneficiary of Murray & Roberts’ Enterprise Development Programme, a significant portion of his capacity is consumed by the group.

Leeu Transport has participated in the programme since 2009, which was a turning point for the business.

“Operating as an independent transport contractor is exceedingly difficult without partners such as Murray & Roberts.”

“Apart from the work and contracts I have benefited tremendously from the mentoring provided. The group provides a full spectrum of support to its partners, ranging from interest-free loans to basic business management skills such as administration, insurance, marketing, planning, HR, law and finance.”

“Murray & Roberts said they wanted to help take me to the next level, and that is exactly what they have done.”

“This type of assistance is vital to entrepreneurs, but it requires equal commitment and hard work from the small business owners to be successful.”

Concluding, “My next goal is to expand into providing transport services into neighbouring countries as many of my customers have operations there. This is going to require more hard work, but with the backing of Murray & Roberts I know I can make a success of it.”

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