Truck stops planned along transport corridor | Infrastructure news

To boost regional trade by improving the efficiency of the Trans Kalahari Corridor network, a number of new truck stops are being planned in SA, Botswana and Namibia.

The viability of establishing the truck stops has been confirmed by a feasibility study and investors are now investigating the opportunities for involvement, according to the Trans Kalahari Corridor Management Committee (TKMC).

The network consists of the Trans Kalahari, the Trans Cunene and the Walvis Bay – Ndola – Lubumbashi (Trans Caprivi) Corridors, linking the three countries with each other and with Angola and Zambia.

Primary and secondary sites have been investigated in detail in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa and four new truck stops have been recommended along the Trans Kalahari Corridor. The total investment for the development of the truck stops is estimated at around R55 million for all four truck stops. This excludes the cost of the land, which is expected to be priced at municipal value.

The Trans Kalahari Corridor Management Committee says that transport corridors are important to ensuring the safe and efficient movement of goods between the countries. The governments of SA, Botswana and Namibia are therefore keen to take a closer look at the various transport routes between SA, through Botswana to Namibia. Industry has indicated that it will support well managed and operated truck stop facilities and that it is prepared to pay for these services. Further business opportunities exist for restaurant / take-away facilities; maintenance facilities; security services and fuel service stations.

In Namibia and throughout most of southern Africa, the transport routes are mostly road based. Given the long distances associated with many of these routes, and the relative scarcity of urban settlements along the transport corridors, issues of road safety, driver fatigue and cargo security become important considerations.

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