At his inauguration President Jacob Zuma said his government will improve the the implementation of the employment equity and BEE laws during his next term.
Zuma said, “While progress has been made in changing the ownership and control of the country’s economy, ‘much more work’ must be done.” In his address to the first ever B-BBEE Summit hosted in October 2013, President Zuma described B-BBEE as an integral part of South Africa’s economic policies and transformation. The President added that state-owned enteprises and development finance institutions will become engines of development, complementing the State in promoting inclusive economic growth.Additionally, land restitution and distribution as well as other forms of empowerment will also be better executed in the new term of government.
Stated Zuma, “Our economic transformation programme also reaffirms our commitment to promoting local companies, entrepreneurs and cooperatives through local procurement by the state and its agencies.” Source –