Cold front weather warning for truck drivers | Infrastructure news

As a cold front approaches, the N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) is warning drivers to be cognisant of the weather and travel conditions.

According to the most recent South African Weather Services advisory, there is a strong possibility of snowfalls inland this weekend in the Southern Free State, KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, Midlands and many parts of Lesotho.

Inclement weather and strong winds may affect travel conditions along the N3 Toll Route from Thursday night through the weekend and early next week, particularly along Van Reenen’s Pass near Harrismith as well as in the Estcourt and Ladysmith regions.

N3TC is issuing a warning to all road users and tourists to be prepared for the anticipated cold front; and to take the necessary precautionary measures. N3TC is the Concessionaire responsible for the N3 Toll Route between Heidelberg in Gauteng and Cedara in KwaZulu-Natal.

Motorists are advised to be cognisant of weather warnings and, if possible, to avoid traveling at night.

The likelihood of ice formation on the road surface is a risk for any vehicle traveling through the area. Speed reduction, total driver concentration, and carefully executed vehicle direction changes are of crucial importance.
In the interests of the well-being of motorists and the emergency response teams, sections of the route may be closed to traffic should travel conditions be deemed unsafe. Closures will be communicated via the media; variable message signs (VMS) along the Route; N3TC’s Twitter feed (@N3Route); and on its website

Emergency teams’ ability to address difficult situations and clear the route as quickly as possible depends on the cooperation of all road users, including freight operators. It is therefore essential to adhere to the emergency measures that may be put in place and limit travel if closures are implemented.

Con Roux, N3TC Commercial Manager,says, “Plan your trip well in advance and take every precautionary measure to ensure your own safety. Pack extra blankets, food and refreshments in your vehicle in the event that you may be caught in a lengthy road closure. We will make every effort to keep the route safe under these circumstances.”

All emergency services, law enforcement agencies, rescue- and relief services and disaster management teams in the area have been placed on alert; and N3TC’s dedicated Route Services’ teams are on standby and ready to provide support where and when required. Scouts have been placed at strategic points on the route to assist with the early warning of adverse weather conditions or snow.

Road users wanting to travel on the N3 Toll Route this weekend are advised to contact the N3TC 24-hour Customer Careline on 0800 N3 Help (0800 63 4357), or to follow N3TC on Twitter: @N3Route.

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