New train of thinking | Infrastructure news

Imagine a train that can travel 600 kilometres in under 40 minutes, is safer than conventional passenger transport, and provides a cheaper alternative to flying…

Well, imagine no more. The Hyperloop is set to become a reality in 2016 thanks to Dirk Ahlborn, and the vision of Elon Musk. The two aim to create a new type of transport that would shoot capsules of passengers along a tube at around the speed of sound.

As the CEO of Hyperloop Technologies, Ahlborn will help to develop and fund the project, at the request of Musk. He will use his practical experience to bring the project to life.

Internet coaching

Now, in the era of technological disruption, the need to keep up with innovation is becoming more and more fundamental to operational success. But what happens when technology, the Internet, and rail come together? Are you prepared for the Internet of things in rail?

The Internet of things is a computing concept that describes a future where everyday physical objects will be connected to the Internet and will be able to identify themselves to other devices.

Super-speed tech

At first sight, trains and Formula 1 cars may not seem to have much in common. But, a breakthrough for the rail sector, led by Newcastle University’s NewRail rail vehicles group manager and senior researcher, Conor O’Neill, and his team, is changing the entire landscape by adapting technology most commonly found in high-performance racing cars.

O’Neill prides himself on decreasing costs and increasing efficiency in rail. He holds a patent for a lightweight, self-correcting, energy-absorbing device for railway applications.

Smooth operator

The journey to becoming a world-class rail operator is usually a difficult one, but not for transport planning consultant Howard Smith. His primary focus is to use innovation to provide world-class customer experience, infrastructure, and operational success.

Smith, an internationally recognised rail expert, has helped raise £3 billion in investment for London Rail. He, like O’Neill and Ahlborn, will share his insights to local audiences when Africa Rail 2015 rolls into the Sandton Convention Centre on 30 June.

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