TRAC website now in Portuguese | Infrastructure news

Trans African Concession’s new website went live recently, giving users of the N4 Toll Route access to information pertaining to the national highway in two languages – English and Portuguese.

The bilingual site forms part of TRAC’s ongoing efforts to enhance the quality and availability of essential information to road users in South Africa and Mozambique.

The website is divided into various sections, each giving detailed information about what to expect on and from the N4 Toll Route. This includes route updates, toll fees, TracAssist, corporate social development projects, points of interest and the history of the N4.

“With social and electronic media being the most commonly used methods of obtaining information in modern society, we felt it was time to upgrade our website,” explains TRAC CEO, Graham Esterhuysen. “Being the only trans- border concessionaire in South Africa, we wanted to start catering for our road users across the border by providing information in Portuguese. We are very proud of our new-look site and are confident that it will be thoroughly enjoyed by all who use it,” he added.

Although the look and feel of the website has changed drastically, the site’s address has remained the same and users can continue accessing it by logging onto






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