Dube Tradeport CEO dismissed | Infrastructure news

In February 2015, the Dube TradePort Corporation Board announced that it had suspended the entity’s Chief Executive Officer pending the outcome of a disciplinary process which was chaired by an independent presiding officer.

After an extensive disciplinary process which was concluded on the 29th of May 2015, the Board of Dube TradePort Corporation (DTPC) at its Special Board meeting held on the 15th of June 2015, resolved to summarily dismiss the Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Saxen van Coller. The disciplinary process found that Van Coller, (amongst other necessary disclosures), failed to disclose previous criminal offences and a previous criminal conviction prior to being appointed for the position of CEO. The Board agreed that this was sufficient grounds for dismissal and has informed Ms Van Coller – who had been suspended since the investigation commenced in March 2015 – of its decision.

The Board views this non-disclosure in a very serious light. Ms Van Coller’s failure to disclose her criminal record prior to employment at DTPC is not only a serious misrepresentation; it also directly undermines the Corporation’s commitment to good corporate governance and integrity. The Board felt strongly that such conduct completely undermines the ethical code and value system of the Dube TradePort Corporation and it cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. The Board has further pursued charges against Ms. Van Coller and is exploring the possibility of recourse that can best be determined legally.

Mr Hamish Erskine, who has been a member of the DTPC team since its formation in 2003, will continue in his role as acting CEO until the board completes the process of appointing a new CEO. In the meantime, and as we have always maintained with all our key stakeholders, it is business as usual at the DTPC.

The organization continues to go from strength to strength and has recently made exciting announcements regarding the development and there are many more in the pipeline. We can assure all our stakeholders that our focus as an organization is firmly on delivering our mandate and ensuring that Dube TradePort remains the flagship development project of the KZN provincial government.

The Board is grateful to the Acting CEO and the very capable Executive team who all continue to dutifully steer the organisation, ensuring stability throughout this process that has just been concluded. At no point did any of our stakeholders feel that the organisational focus on delivering on our mandate was compromised. We would like to continue doing our best to move your business forward.

Issued by the Dube TradePort Corporation Board

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