RTMS driving standards to promote best practices | Infrastructure news

Kathy BellA presentation by Ms Kathy Bell (Steerco Member: Road Transport Management System (RTMS)) at the Transport Forum Month of Transport Celebrations 1 October 2015 hosted by University of Johannesburg.

The theme for the event was: “Trends in Policy Development for Transport” and the topic for the presentation was: “RTMS driving standards to promote best practices – Ms Kathy Bell – 1 October 2015.”

Notable quotes from Kathy Bell:

“If you don’t do it right…then you leave a trail of carnage around Gilooly’s interchange.”

“[If you’re not compliant] then you don’t train your drivers, you overload, you make sure you don’t have any brakes.”

“RTMS means the operator does what they are supposed to be doing; that they’re compliant.”

“Load optimisation, driver wellness, vehicle maintenance and productivity; there’s a direct economic benefit for the operator.”

“There are many operators that are compliant, that do all the right things, every single day.”

“Incorporates the bus standard as well – 139001.”

“RTMS tells you [that] the operator invests in their fleet; in their drivers, in training, in compliance.”

“We are making sure the industry is taking responsibility.”

“There are 161 RTMS operators, 169 depots, 8 550 trucks and buses that have shown huge improvements in terms of road wear reduction, accident reduction, reduced rollovers – a whole host of things.”

“The single largest fleet implementation ever was in the bus industry – 1100 buses with cabs.”

“Huge improvements, productivity enhancements, safer vehicles.”

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