Dealership better manages waste | Infrastructure news

The Riverhorse Valley Scania dealership in Durban has invested in a Pandae GreenSolution to manage its waste streams.

Dealer manager Gerrie Matthee admits that effective waste control prior to installation was a major challenge. “Our outsourced cleaning company would regularly mix up waste – oil-contaminated items would be found in the domestic bins and vice versa. We also experienced oil spillages on the floors that needed to be cleaned on a weekly basis,” he says.

GreenSolution representatives are responsible for the sorting, collection and recycling of domestic waste, oil-contaminated waste, steel and used oil at the dealership.

“In the past, we had three separate bins for domestic waste, oil-contaminated waste and steel respectively. Not only did the waste get mixed up, we also had to contact different waste collectors to collect the bins, and often at the last minute, resulting in bins being filled to capacity.

In addition to improving waste stream, the dealership is awarded rebates for efficiently recycling waste.

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