The critical coordination of transport in less mature logistics environments | Infrastructure news

A presentation by Carsten Schubert, Director, Transnova, South Africa.

Delivered during the 38th annual SAPICS event for supply chain professionals in Sun City, South Africa.

In the last five years many South African manufacturers have accelerated their expansion plans into Africa but unfortunately often painfully and expensively. All too often the blame has been placed on the immaturity of local supply chains and poor levels of logistics maturity. But is this really fair? Even worse does this point to an ‘air of arrogance’ that South African companies believe they know better, an attitude that promotes the very resistance that they are seeking to avoid?

In both a pragmatic and amusing presentation, filled with real-world anecdotes and personal experiences, the presenter will explore the challenges that face the South African logistician attempting to successfully penetrate the East African market.

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