South Africa now has a highly competitive alternative to traditional cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) projects thanks to the power of UV.
Unveiled at IFAT Africa 2019, Nu-Flow South Africa is changing the way building, sewer and water pipeline systems are relined with the introduction of its Nu-Cure UV LED activated liner system for CIPP projects. Coinciding with this development is Nu-Flow’s local launch of Pro-Kanal’s revolutionary Master-Gun, a compact, trolley mounted, inversion unit, operating with either compressed air or water pressure. Nu-Flow is Pro-Kanal’s appointed South African dealer, and will sell and support the Master-Gun series. The modular design of the Master-Gun ensures flexible use for sewer and potable water lines from 50 mm to 300 mm and for larger pipes up to 1 300 mm. “With Nu-Cure and Master-Gun, we’ve devised the perfect CIPP system for local operating conditions,” says Deon Pohorille, managing director, Nu-Flow South Africa. Nu-Flow South Africa is an official master licensor of the multinational Nu-Flow Group. “With our new system, we offer training support with inhouse and third-party test laboratory for certification.”Nu-Cure is unique
Key benefits of the Nu-Cure liner include its 4 000+ e-modulus rating, offering the dual advantages of material stretch from 70 mm to 100 mm, 100 mm to 150 mm, or 150 mm to 200 mm, etc. Nu-Cure liner is designed to be installed in pipe diameters from as small as 50 mm. What makes Nu-Cure unique is that these liners are pre-impregnated with the specified resin at Nu-Flow’s factory and delivered to the customer in sealed packaging. Although saturated, they remain uncured indefinitely until exposed to the exact UV light range. The curing of small diameter is by LEDs of Pro-Kanal’s purpose-designed UV LED light train, which comfortably negotiates multiple 90-degree bends. Nu-Flow also supplies an LED light train fitted with a CCTV camera for precision installation and optimum installation verification.“The Nu-Cure resin impregnation process achieves some of the best bonding of resins and liners. This allows for warranties to be issued knowing internationally recognised bodies have certified the system. Traditionally, once the liner had been impregnated, the curing process began immediately, so if the installation is delayed for any reason, liner materials may harden prematurely.
“Our Nu-Cure liners are’factory impregnated’, ensuring far greater quality control and implementation times,” he points out. The curing process only begins once the UV LED light train has been turned on, functioning within a specific UV spectrum. The resin hardening time is 10 minutes. Absolutely minimal shrinkage and quick, simple working times mean this system can be deployed in areas where quality control of a pre-impregnated liner allows peace of mind. The ability to be connecting water back on within 20 minutes of installing the liner is unheard of in the industry.