The National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa (NCPC-SA) invites companies interested in improving their resource efficiency and saving money to register their in-house representatives and/or consultants for upcoming NCPC-SA training courses.
Since establishing the trainee programme in 2010, the NCPC-SA has invested a considerable amount of time and effort in training and developing green economy sector professionals specialising in:- resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) interventions,
- energy management systems (EnMS),
- energy system optimisation (ESO),
- renewable energy, and
- power quality.
NCPC-SA training course material is based on the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation and the United Nations Environmental Programme’s RECP global network toolkit.
The Engineering Council of South Africa accredits all NCPC-SA courses. Candidates that attend all their training sessions receive Continuous Professional Development letters. The NCPC-SA is a national resource efficiency programme of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) that is hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research on behalf of the dtic. Registration: Registrations are open for introductory, end-user or expert-level training courses here.