Johannesburg residents are now responsible for paying for replacement bins from the City’s Waste Management entity, Pikitup.
From February, Pikitup is implementing the Council-approved pricing and tariffs structure relating to levying charges for the replacement of stolen and damaged bins.The new pricing and tariffs structure was promulgated on 1 July 2012 and will be fully implemented effective from 1 February 2013. In line with these tariffs a Bin Replacement Levy of R385.00 (excl. VAT) will be charged for the replacement of a bin that was lost, damaged or stolen. Previously, Pikitup issued the first 240ℓ refuse bins as well as replaced stolen and damaged bins free of charge. During the 2011/12 financial year the entity replaced 8 500 wheelie bins at a cost of R3 million stating this is not sustainable. The wheelie bins are the property of Pikitup and are to be used solely for refuse containerisation and any resident utilising one of these bins for anything else is in contravention of the city’s Waste By-laws.
Stolen or damaged wheelie bins will be replaced by Pikitup upon receipt of an up-front payment by the user. Payments have to be made at the nearest Walk-in-Centre, and not through a commercial bank or electronic fund transfer (EFT). Proof of payment for bin replacement, indicating the ratepayer’s account number as a payment reference number, are to be faxed to 086 677 6682 or 011 712 5322 so that a bin can be delivered to the ratepayer’s premises.
Although Pikitup will continue to issue the first bin for free, a charge would be levied for the replacement of stolen or damaged bins. The charge will be reviewed annually in line with the tariff increases. For any further queries contact Joburg Connect on 0860 JOBURG or 086 056 2874; 011 375 5555 or visit Pikitup’s website on