Thank you 2012 video | Infrastructure news

As we look back at 2012, it’s clear much has been done. Africa now has safe water for 800,000 people and HIV/AIDS care to 40,000 more. For that, we are truly thankful. The change is real. It’s happening…and it’s all because of you. Thank you.

Due to contributions this past year from people like you, 2013 is positioned to not only bring change, but completely transform communities in ways we never thought possible. This will only happen if support – financial and social – remains strong and continues to grow.

Please consider giving again, even very small gifts, as the year begins anew. Every dollar, every online post, every mention of the lives saved through Blood:Water Mission’s projects…every single one of them counts towards the work being done. And they always will.

Let’s change the world. Again. Together.

Very special thanks to Plumb for “One Drop” – for more information on the song and Plumb’s upcoming release, Faster than a Bullet, please visit

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