Cheap 'Nano-tablet' can purify water | Infrastructure news

Researchers have developed a water purification tablet comprised of nano particles that can be used by developing world communities with no access to clean water.

The tablet, Madi Drop, invented by PureMadi was presented at the organisation’s recent one-year celebration.

It consists of a small ceramic disk filled with silver or copper nano particles that is placed a water vessel, where it can repeatedly disinfect water for up to six months.

“There is nothing easier,” James Smith, a professor in the Environmental and Water Resources programme at the University of Virginia who co-leads the PureMadi project tells SciDev.Net.

“You drop it in your water container, fill the container up at night and the water will be safe to drink for all the next day.” The tablet is capable of treating 20 litres of water per day.

Only trace amounts of silver and copper nano particles are released into the water – at levels that are safe for human consumption, but high enough to kill waterborne pathogenic micro-organisms, explains Smith.

The tool developed for use in communities without safe drinking water is named ‘Madi’ after the Tshivenda word for water.

PureMadi established a water filter factory in Limpopo province, South Africa last year, employing local workers who have already produced several hundred alternative flowerpot-like water filters.

This means that it is likely to attract support from other companies eager to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and regional development.


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