National Water Week 2013 event | Infrastructure news

‘Water is life: Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it’ is theme for this year’s National Water Week, celebrated in South Africa between 18 and 24 March.

Johannesburg Water officially launched National Water Week in the city at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Newtown with the aim of drawing resident’s attention to the important role water plays. The aim is also to remind residents that we live in a water scarce country and if you respect something, you will not waste it, but rather nurture and conserve it so it can be enjoyed by everyone.

During National Water Week, Johannesburg Water has arranged an array of activities, including stakeholder sessions, customer care days, school open days as well as a corporate and career day. Johannesburg Water is hoping though these activities to make residents realise the importance of conserving water beyond National Water Week.

Headed by the Department of Water Affairs, the week serves as a powerful campaign mechanism reiterating the value of water, the need for sustainable management of this scarce resource and the role water plays in eradicating poverty and under-development in our country.

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