Call for abstracts for the WISA 2014 Biennial Conference | Infrastructure news

Those interested in making a presentation at WISA’s conference next year are invited to submit a one-page abstract of their proposed presentation to the conference organisers by 30 June 2013.

All abstracts must be submitted in electronic format using either Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect and must include the title of the paper, the author’s name, organisation, address, telephone, fax and e-mail. Abstracts can be emailed to:

Once received all the abstracts will undergo a peer review process and will be accepted on the understanding that the main author or co-author will personally attend and pay the registration fee according to the registration deadlines of the conference.

Full papers

Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit a full manuscript for review and consideration for publication in a peer-reviewed, DHET-listed journal. Full guidelines for authors will be distributed to all authors of accepted abstracts.

Deadline dates

Everyone submitting an abstract will be notified by 30 June that it was received and authors will be advised on 31 October whether their abstract has been accepted. Full papers will have to be submitted at the latest on 2 February 2014.

Conference themes

Five parallel themes will run throughout the conference, and sessions will cover the following sub-themes:

1.           Domestic and municipal wastewater, and sanitation

1.1.         Biological, physical and chemical treatment processes and techniques

1.2.         Analytical equipment and techniques

1.3.         Collection and reticulation systems

1.4.         Community sanitation

1.5.         Process treatment, automation and control

1.6.         Plant operation and maintenance

1.7.         Legislation, guidelines and standards

1.8.         Sludge and other residues management

1.9.         Green Drop and wastewater risk abatement planning

2.            Drinking water and bulk water supply

2.1.         Biological, physical and chemical treatment processes and techniques

2.2.         Analytical equipment and techniques

2.3.         Water distribution challenges

2.4.         Process treatment, automation and control

2.5.         Plant operation and maintenance

2.6.         Legislation, guidelines and standards

2.7.         Developing communities and community water supply

2.8.         Health related aspects, including impacts on HIV/AIDS

2.9.         Reclamation and reuse of water

2.10.      Water conservation and demand management

2.11.      Blue Drop and water safety planning

3.            Industrial and mine water

3.1.         Legislation, guidelines and standards, including WDCS

3.2.         Mine water prevention, treatment and management

3.3.         Treatment processes and techniques

3.4.         Analytical equipment and techniques

3.5.         Prediction and mitigation of long-term effects

3.6.         Industrial ecology

3.7.         Water conservation and demand management

3.8.         Public participation

4.            Environmental water

4.1.         Catchment management areas

4.2.         Recreational and environmental water quality and rehabilitation

4.3.         Aquatic ecosystems

4.4.         Legislation, guidelines and standards

4.5.         Environmental water quality management

4.6.         Analytical equipment and techniques

4.7.         Groundwater management

4.8.         Water conservation and demand management

5.            Capacity building and training

5.1.         Consumer education and behavioural change

5.2.         Youth development and capacity building

5.3.         ICT applications for the water sector

5.4.         Multi- and transdisciplinarity in the water sector.


All enquiries regarding WISA Conference 2014 should be directed to Jaco Seaman, Tel: +27 (0)11 805 3537 or via

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