The Historical environmental accord has been signed by SA, Angola and Namibia | Infrastructure news

The Benguela Current Convention signed on 18March 2013 by South Africa, Angola and Namibia seeks to promote a coordinated regional approach to the long-term conservation, protection, rehabilitation, enhancement and sustainable use of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, to provide economic, environmental and social benefits.

This agreement also defines the boundaries of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME), an area of ocean space stretching from Port Elizabeth in South Africa to the province of Cabinda in the north of Angola. The BCLME is regarded as one of the richest ecosystems on earth, with ecosystem goods and services estimated to be worth at least US$54.3billion (R502.76billion) per year. Offshore oil and gas production, marine diamond mining, coastal tourism, commercial fishing and shipping are some of the most important industrial activities that take place in the region.

By signing the Benguela Current Convention, Angola, Namibia and South Africa will agree to manage the BCLME in a cooperative and sustainable way, for the benefit of coastal people who depend on the ecosystem for food, work and their well-being.

The Convention will also establish the Benguela Current Commission – in existence since 2007 – as a permanent intergovernmental organisation with a mandate to promote the long-term conservation, protection, rehabilitation, enhancement and sustainable use of the BCLME. By working through the Commission, the governments of the three countries will strive to ensure that industrial development progresses in an environmentally responsible manner and that they work together to minimise pollution, harmonise maritime policies, laws and regulations, and monitor and manage fisheries in a cooperative way.

At the heart of the Convention is the concept of the ecosystem approach: a long-term approach that aims to maintain ecosystem goods and services for sustainable use while recognising that humans are an integral part of the process.

BEE Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs and outgoing chairperson of the BCC, says:“The historic signing of the Benguela Current Convention represents the culmination of many years of research, consultation and negotiation, all of which have been carried out in a spirit of trust and cooperation.”

“The signing of this unique multilateral agreement is the next logical step after nearly two decades of collaboration between South Africa, Namibia and Angola.”

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