Continental partakes in clean-up of Smelly Creek in support of World Water Day | Infrastructure news

Continental Tyre South Africa (CTSA) employees embarked on a clean-up operation of the canal adjacent to the factory in Port Elizabeth and the N2 freeway, commonly known as Smelly Creek.

This initiative forms part of the company’s support to Water Month, National Water Week and World Water.

Gishma Johnson, corporate communications manager at CTSA, says: “Continental and its employees have committed themselves to an industry-leading environmental and waste management policy, and supporting these awareness campaigns is vital in order to reinforce the conservation message.

“Water is our most precious resource, particularly in South Africa. We have to do everything we possibly can, both in the workplace and at home, to live up to the tenets of environmental sustainability, which are reduce, reuse and recycle.”

CTSA is a leading industry player as far as waste management is concerned and has the full ISO 14001:2004 environmental certification, which was recertified for a further three years in July 2012.

“Continental is committed to the protection of the environment in which we operate,” Johnson says. “We design our processes and products with an emphasis on limiting our impact on the environment and natural resources.”

This is achieved by reducing the consumption of water, energy, raw materials and processing materials during the manufacturing process.

In particular, CTSA has introduced a raft of water-saving initiatives throughout its Port Elizabeth plant. This include the installation of rainwater tanks, which saves approximately 3 044 m³ of potable water per annum. Furthermore, wastewater from the cooling tower is redirected to the toilet flushing system, saving a further 3 401 m³ per year, according to Johnson.

Ongoing training, education and motivational initiatives are conducted with the company’s employees, partners, suppliers and customers to promote greater concern for the environment and natural resources.

In addition to water awareness, CTSA has adopted an extensive waste separation and management programme with the factory and admin block. Waste recycling points are also provided at the entrance to the plant, thus enabling employees to start recycling at home and bring their waste material to work in order to dispose of in the various bins provided.

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