Water Infrastructure Sizing: Insights From Engineers | Infrastructure news

Water infrastructure plays an important role in a country’s economic development and growth. As engineers, how far into the future do you plan?

Willie van der Merwe, Senior Civil Engineer, AECOM

Willie van der Merwe, Senior Civil Engineer, AECOM

Willie: All water service authorities (WSAs) must produce a five-year water services development plan that deals with the provision of water and sanitation services.

They also need to abide by the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA), which requires a Spatial Development Plan (SDF) that identifies areas and land uses/densities to develop within the municipality’s boundaries and specifically within the urban edge as defined in the SDF.

The SDF can be utilised to determine water demand and sewer flows. This gives a good indication of the ultimate future water demand, taking into consideration urbanisation, densification, and increase in lifespan. The current water demand can be compared to the future water demand, combined with historical trends and population growth indicators and an estimated timeline can be derived. Typically, this yields a timeline of 15-55 years before the identified land is developed at current trends.

In an ideal world, infrastructure should be designed based on useful service life. For example, a pipe needs to be built to a size where it doesn’t require an upgrade in the near future. A pipeline’s service life depends on various conditions, but can last up to 50 years, and even longer with proper maintenance.

One would think that the difference between a 500 mm and a 600 mm pipe is insignificant, but the 600 mm pipe has a 44% bigger capacity than the 500 mm pipe, with only a 9% cost difference.

In short, we typically plan as far as the SDF allows us to and within the client’s budget. Water master plans ideally help WSAs size their infrastructure. The problem lies in the fact that WSAs usually only create a five-year plan and seldom create a master plan, so only a few plans go beyond five years.

This results in water demand growing and additional pipelines being built next to older pipelines, instead of simply building a larger pipeline ten years ago. By saving on costs in the present, WSAs tend to incur greater costs in the future.

And often, even when master plans are created, it has been treated as a paper pushing exercise that lacks the adequate detail to create, for instance tenders for water infrastructure projects. Master plans are supposed to assist WSAs in making decisions.

When planning a project what factors do you need to consider when determining what infrastructure and the size of the infrastructure needed?

Matthew Funnell, Associate Engineer, AECOM

Matthew Funnell, Associate Engineer, AECOM

Matthew: Water master plans include water demand assessments that are linked to the predicted growth of a community based on spatial development frameworks and are combined with historical population growth trends.

Once the project area, level of service (LOS) and final water demand assessments is determined and agreed upon, the infrastructure can be sized through concept-level master planning and hydraulic modelling.

In essence, the sizing of water infrastructure is dependent on the volume of water required for a particular community. The size of the infrastructure will depend on factors such as footprint, the type of land development (industrial, commercial, residential, rural), the level of service, and the municipal design criteria.

There are many different factors that play a role when making infrastructure proposals. For instance, the pipeline lengths depend on the size of the area within the master planning project. The diameter of the pipes is dependent on flow rates. Reservoirs are sized typically for 48 hours of storage, but this varies per guideline. Water treatment facilities are dependent on allowable abstraction rates (determined by environment management plans) and demand footprints.  Ultimately this also depends on the client’s budget. In short, sizing is contingent upon water demand, futureproofing and budget.

What are the differences between infrastructure planning in a rural and urban setting?

rural and urban water infrastructure planning in south africa

Willie: The same standards and guidelines govern the design and construction of water infrastructure, regardless of where it is based.

The minimum requirements for water infrastructure are:

  • The minimum amount of water has been set at 25 litres per person per day. Realistically in the Cape Town drought, the water use per person per day reduced to 50 litres. (including business use).
  • A reliable water service is one where the service is not interrupted for more than 48 consecutive hours and is available for at least 350 days per year.
The Water Supply Reliability dashboard provides the user with a national as well as provincial presentation of people and households with functional access to basic water supply infrastructure at reconstruction and development programme (RDP) or higher levels of service.

Typically, there are three levels of service (LOS):

  • Communal standpipes within 200 m from the dwelling
  • Yard taps, a standpipe provided in the erf of a household.
  • House connections, direct piped connection to your house as we know in urban areas.
Matthew: Once a communal standpipe is installed, additional dwellings often spring up around it, placing undue strain on the infrastructure as it ends up serving more people than originally intended. Moreover, these new dwellings may eventually exceed the 200-meter distance from the standpipe, complicating efforts to meet service standards. As a result, maintaining adequate service levels becomes a constantly shifting challenge.

Added to that, these standpipes normally need to be replaced every two years. Then there are issues around vandalism where disgruntled communities with no standpipes may vandalise the standpipes in adjacent communities. Rural water supply schemes are exceptionally challenging.

Infrastructure in a rural setting is largely determined by the Level of Service the client or design guidelines (which is typically a district or local municipality) wants to implement. Most rural communities in South Africa rely on local water resources such as boreholes which can have fairly low groundwater abstraction yields and as a result, the water supply in rural communities also influences the sizing of infrastructure.

Rural areas are typically served by either yard taps or communal standpipes. A rural environment, according to guidelines, typically needs between 25 and 60 litres per person per day.

On the other hand, urban environments require more water as they have a denser population of people, waterborne sewage systems, industries and offices and therefore require more water per person per day.

Urban areas often require a much more reliable source of water security in the form of dams, large water treatment facilities and large multiple water storage tanks due to the size and density of the population. Since urban areas are usually close to municipal service centres, the maintenance and emergency reaction times to attend to repairs are quicker in comparison to rural settings. This emphasises the importance of implementing redundant and robust systems in rural areas due to the long lead times. Hence multiple borehole schemes and multiple-day storage tanks are required to ensure the community is not starved of water.

Are water systems designed to have different levels of reliability/redundancy?

water systems

Matthew: The more redundancy built into a water system, the costlier the water system. It is a balance between how critical the infrastructure is and the client’s budget. When deciding on redundancy, one must consider the associated cost with a water system failure and the cost of redundant features. Redundancy is also linked to the maintenance of the system itself as well as the maintenance all the redundancy features.

Typically, engineering design should have some degree of redundancy built into water infrastructure; whether it be in the form of warning and protection systems or standby systems that are activated during an emergency. All these additional infrastructure items have a cost (both capital and operational) associated with them and the client must be aware that redundant features need to be constantly maintained to ensure they are functional in the event of an emergency. Failure to ensure this will remove the redundancy built into the system.

The levels of redundancy are dictated by the complexity of the system, the probability of failure, and how critical the infrastructure is to ensure reliability. For instance, a pumping system will require a higher level of redundancy than a typical gravity fed pipeline as there is a higher probability that power interruptions or failure of mechanical parts will prevent water conveyance in a pumping system.

Critical pieces of infrastructure are normally the sources of water, treatment facilities, reservoirs, and the main water supply arteries (pipelines) linking these facilities. All the infrastructure required to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water should have redundancy built into the system.

Often, certain redundant features are omitted to make projects more feasible. As an engineer, one can very easily overdesign and protect a system increasing its reliability, however, there is a fine line between what features are necessary. This emphasises the important role the engineer has in providing the client with information so they can make informed decisions.

Cost saving is an important factor in every project, how do you approach cost saving When sizing water infrastructure projects?

water saving systems in south africa

Matthew: One can save costs through many factors but one must be cognizant of the fact that reducing costs now may end up costing you more in the future. Reducing costs of infrastructure influences the reliability and future proof of the system. For example, to reduce the costs quite simply is to reduce the size of infrastructure, eliminate redundant features and sacrifice quality. This can be achieved by reducing peak factors, decreasing storage times, reducing pumping hours, and eliminating protection mechanisms but this ultimately is at the detriment of the reliability of the system. This is never recommended, and it is always advised that standards and guidelines be followed, and contingencies and redundancy be included. Any planned infrastructure should be designed to allow for future upgrades and expansion, especially if the budgets are constrained initially and as a result infrastructure sizing upgrades are limited to only a couple of years in the future.

A very simple example could be – Instead of constructing a large reservoir to meet the ultimate water storage requirements up until 30 years in the future, rather build a smaller reservoir now but purchase a plot of land to allow for a second reservoir to be built on the same site later. This reduces infrastructure costs now but still allows for upgrades to be implemented in the future therefore ensuring the system is still future-proofed. This is all linked to effective planning.

Water projects involving Aecom

Aecom water projects south africa

Andre du Plessis, associate director, Aecom speaks enthusiastically about the various upcoming projects where Aecom is playing a role, “our work will be all over the world.”

  • Alula Water and Wastewater multi-disciplinary project in Saudi Arabia, contains bulk water and sewer infrastructure, reservoirs, pump stations and waste water treatment plants
  • Cairns Water Security Scheme Stage 1 in Australia, contains bulk water pipelines, raw water abstraction, reservoirs, pump stations, and a water treatment plant
  • Mapoon Sewerage Scheme in Australia is a new sewerage network including gravity sewer pipelines, rising mains and pump stations.
  • Jeddah Stormwater Pumpstations is multi-disciplinary project in Saudi Arabia, 16 No SW Pumpstations – 400 ℓ/s to 35m3/s
  • UK Frameworks, Thames, Caledonia & Irish Water
  • MCC Lesotho Irrigation Scheme – 900 ha irrigation project.
  • Southern Wastewater Treatment Works in KZN – Upgrade of 108 Mℓ/d sludge system.
  • Cape Flats Bulk Sewer – 5 km ND 1000 mm rising main and 1,1 m3/s pumpstation upgrade
  • Mkwanazi Rural Water Supply Scheme
  • Rehab and Upgrade of Sanddrift Bulk Sewer – Trenchless Rehabilitation (CIPP) of ND 525 mm corroded sewer and upgrading of ND 750mm Bulk Sewer and 200 ℓ/s sewerage lifting pump station.

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