You can comment on Cape Town’s Utility Services business plans | Infrastructure news

The City of Cape Town is calling on interested parties to comment on the Water Services Development, Integrated Waste Management and Electricity Service business plans, to help the City achieve its goal of “being a Well-run City and improve service delivery,” according to a statement released by the City on Monday 6 May 2013.

According to the statement, the plans show the ways in which the City intends to achieve its objectives with respect to these essential services over five years. “The Water Services Department, Solid Waste Management and Electricity Services plans entail strategies for implementing the municipality’s delivery of basic services and infrastructure in a sustainable manner.” They are products of the Integrated Development Plan process.

The statement also highlighted some of the key strategic objectives listed in the Water Services Development plan, which includes reducing unaccounted for water to 16% within the next five years, providing basic or emergency sanitation services and water to all city residents, improving refuse collection to 96% and minimising river systems pollution by reducing sewage overflows by 20%.

The business plans will be available to view until Friday 31 May 2013 at all municipal libraries and sub council offices, and on the City of Cape Town’s website Allinterested parties can comment until 31 May 2013 via the different means highlighted on the website.

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