3SMedia | Infrastructure news - Part 188


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Real-time management

Logging of water pressure and flow is one of the most important aspects of any water demand management(WDM) programme and one that is generally neglected if not ignored completely in most parts of South Africa.  In recent years, with the advent of...
Imesa article image

Civil service challenges are not isolated

Opinion article by Frank Stevens, president of the Institute for Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa (IMESA) In 2003, the United Nations General Assembly selected 23 June as the international day of commemorating the value of public service to...
Yellow canary

Canaries to Crows

Are we missing something? Where I live we used to have many Indian Mynah birds. These birds seemed to be territorial and they protected their areas. They also seemed to breed at an incredible rate and there were always lots of them. From what I...

Pikitup promotes greener event management

Every city needs events. Whether it is concerts, festivals, exhibitions, or summits, events make up the lifeblood of a city. The challenge is, the bigger the event, the bigger the mess it leaves behind. For this reason the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz...