3SMedia | Infrastructure news - Part 199


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City street image

Creating efficient, liveable cities

Large mixed-use developments are gaining traction globally as the property industry realises that developing efficient, liveable cities requires the all-important integration of diverse functions such as residential accommodation with...

Namibia experiencing worst drought in 30 years

Namibia is experiencing its worst drought in 30 years. UNICEF says thousands of women and children are at risk of malnutrition. Without grazing, livestock farmers are being forced to sell their animals. And without help, many say they have no way...

South African tyre manufacturers survey

The South African Tyre Manufacturing Conference (SATMC), are measuring the reputation of the tyre manufacturers in South Africa. Please be so kind as to take a couple of minutes of your time to complete the survey and give your inputs: Click HERE...
Naren Bhojaram, Lefadi Makibinyane, Abe Thela image

Lefadi Makibinyane: CESA’s newly appointed CEO

Clem Sunter recently raised the probability of South Africa falling into a“Failed State” scenario from 10 to 15% following the passing of the Secrecy Bill. According to Clem Sunter, the passing of the Secrecy Bill could cause a massive leap in...
Nelson Mandela Bay image

Efforts intensified to ensure supply in EC

The Department of Water Affairs together, with the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro (NMBM) is intensifying efforts to improve water security in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro area amid concerns over the significant increase in water use since the drought of...