Danielle Petterson | Infrastructure news - Part 106

Danielle Petterson

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Polystyrene collection points across Gauteng

The Polystyrene Packaging Council (PSPC) is driving a dynamic marketing and awareness campaign of its various charity projects to schools across Gauteng. According to PSPC director Adri Spangenberg, twenty new schools have committed themselves to...

New solenoid and piston actuated valves

Automation specialist, Protea Automation Solutions, has raised the bar in the control valve industry with the introduction of a sleek new range of Italian-made valves for process and industrial applications. The valves, manufactured by well-known...

Govt ready to move forward with fracking

Government says it is ready to regulate and monitor companies that have expressed an interest in exploring shale gas in the country. Thibedi Ramontja, the Director-General of the Mineral Resources Department, said the draft regulations will, once...

Handy new app for builders and pavers

A building materials supplier has just launched a dedicated app for the specification and application of its bricks and pavers. The comprehensive, interactive Corobrik app allows users to access the expertise of Corobrik at their fingertips. Peter...
A road

North West, Limpopo collaborate to build new road

The North West and Limpopo governments are collaborating to construct and refurbish roads that link the two provinces. North West Acting Head of Communication Bonolo Mohlakoana said the two provinces have committed to jointly construct Mokgalwaneng...
PPC Zimbabwe image

Cement company takes top honors at Nkonki awards

PPC was announced as the overall winner of the Nkonki Top 100 Integrated Reporting Awards. Integrated reporting is the newest trend of changes to company reporting standards and the need to apply integrated reporting in South Africa was clearly...

Pandor to open Africa Engineering Week

Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor will address engineering experts from South Africa and abroad at the opening of Africa Engineering Week in Johannesburg on 1 September. Africa Engineering Week is a collaboration between the United...
Rural school image

9 years to eradicate mud schools?

A new report is claiming that it could take as long as nine years to eradicate mud schools across the country. Government has dismissed the report, calling it inaccurate and misleading. Dilapidated public school infrastructure can be found across...