Danielle Petterson | Infrastructure news - Part 118

Danielle Petterson

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Register now for the IMESA 2014 Conference

IMESA invites you to KwaZulu-Natal for the IMESA 2014 Conference, co-hosted by Ethekwini Municipality, at the Durban International Convention Centre from 28 to 31 October 2014. Efficient planning is now paramount to balance human, material and...

Experts to address CESA Young Professionals Imbizo

Prominent South African businessman Saki Macozoma and ‘A Hill of Fools’ author and medical practitioner Dr Mtutuzeli Nyoka will be addressing the 2nd Annual Young Professionals (YPs) Sustainability Imbizo to be held on 11and 12 August. The...
Tongaat mall collapse image

Potential second collapse at Tongaat Mall

The site of the Tongaat Mall may be facing a secondary collapse. The supporting pillars having been taking strain since the mall collapsed in November last year and a number of them are gradually caving. The Thongathi Mall Commission of Inquiry...

Gauteng to pilot transparent procurement process

To enhance the openness and transparency of provincial procurement processes, the Gauteng Provincial Treasury and the Department of Transport have agreed to pilot an open process around selected tenders in this financial year. The process will...

Cape Town engineer honoured by Concrete Society

A the recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Concrete Society of Southern Africa, honorary life membership of the society was bestowed on Peter Flower, director of water and sanitation for the City of Cape Town Flower, a registered...
Tongaat mall collapse image

Tongaat Mall construction never approved

Ravi Jagadasan, the director of Rectangle Properties CC and Gralio Precast has admitted to the Thongathi Commission of Enquiry that the companies did not have approval to build the Tongaat Mall. Jagadasan said that, acting on the advice of his...
South African Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe

Five-year NDP implementation plan approved

Cabinet has approved the 2014-2019 Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) which will serve as the first five-year building block towards the 2030 vision in the National Development Plan (NDP). The MTSF contains detailed five-year implementation...