Foreman at the Tongaat Mall construction site, Ronnie Pillay, told the Thongathi Mall Commission of Inquiry that there were a number of changes in the design of the mall during the construction phase. Pillay said that, although he raised concerns,...
Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) has welcomed the bold move to lead municipalities back to basics and to put in place institutional mechanisms to enable them to deliver core municipal services as announced by Cooperative Governance and...
The South African Water Research Commission (WRC) launched new guidelines for urban river renewal at the annual Peninsula Paddle community event on Sunday 8 June 2014 in Cape Town. Aurecon was appointed to determine procedures for enforced...
As part of its ongoing commitment to encouraging recycling of mobile devices, launched in 2005, Orange promotes the creation of partnerships in Africa that aim to support the implementation of local initiatives To date 140 tonnes of waste have been...
In October 2013, the Minister of Energy determined 2015 as the date by which crude oil refining companies will have to blend biofuels into petrol and diesel on a mandatory basis. The Department of Energy will focus on finalising the subsidy...
Progress of projects under Window 1 and 2 of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer programme are 95% on track. 350 MW of green power is expected to come on line in this financial year in addition to the current 600 MW. According to...
The Department of Environmental Affairs will looks into developing regulations to improve waste management. “It is imperative for us to introduce innovative approaches in dealing with waste particularly focusing on diverting waste from landfill...
An anti-fracking group has warned that it will take legal steps to bring an end to hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo and has called for a new moratorium on fracking. In February this year, then Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu proposed a...
The Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa (Seifsa) has accepted Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant’s proposal to offer wage increases of 10% to low-level employees in the metals and engineering sector over three years....