Glen Tancott | Infrastructure news - Part 41

Glen Tancott

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DoE will align itself with NDP

The Department of Energy (DoE) will ensure a maximum level of alignment between the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Strategic and Annual Performance Plans of the department. “The next five years is about moving South Africa forward towards...
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Mozambique stakeholder meeting

The next Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (MCLI) and Mozambique Community Network (MCNet) Stakeholder Meeting takes place in Komatipoort on 7 July. This meeting will deal with issues currently being experienced by the operators and will include...

Mozambique creates five toll roads

Five new toll roads in Mozambique look set to be operational before the end of the year. Affected are the Matola/Boane, Marracuene/Lindela, Vanduzi/Changara, Nampula/Nacala and Monapo/Ilha de Moçambiques roads. Cadmiel Muthemba, from the Mozambique...