The Department of Water and Sanitation has procured the services of a diver in an effort to resolve technical issues restricting water flow at the Waterdown Dam in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape. In a statement, the department said due to the...
More than 300 people will be permanently employed by the eThekwini Municipality to collect waste in the uMlazi area. This is according to the newly appointed chairperson of Human Settlements in the municipality, Thanduxolo Sabela, who said that the...
September marks Heritage month and as we celebrate culture, diversity and traditions, it’s critical not to forget mother earth. Interwaste has committed to commemorating environmental Zero Emissions (ZeDay) as well as National Clean-up and...
The local plastics industry is cleaning up the environment and removing plastic litter from rivers, streams, oceans and neighbourhoods this annual Clean-up and Recycle SA Week. Source:...
The local plastics industry will once again demonstrate its commitment to cleaning up the environment and removing plastics litter from our rivers, streams, oceans and neighbourhoods with it’s annual Clean-up and Recycle SA Week. It is taking...
Construction has started on South Africa’s first plastic road. It’s being created in Jeffreys Bay in the Eastern Cape, and if it proves successful more might be on the cards. Source:...
The Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers’ Association – with the support of Rare Plastics, Sun Ace, Sizabantu Piping Systems, NSF International and Pipeflo – hosted concluded the PIPES XII Conference. This year’s event took place...
The unveiling of the Durban Aerotropolis Master Plan will have positive spinoffs for KwaZulu-Natal, says Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Gina. “Government perceives the 50-year Durban Aerotropolis Master Plan as not just a project...
Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr David Mahlobo met with the newly established Anti-Pollution Task Team to discuss the Terms of Reference for the purpose of providing a framework for functions and responsibilities of the team. As the...