The eThekwini Municipality has invited members of the public to give their input and comment on the city’s Central Densification Strategy. The strategy provides policies and guidelines on building and planning for the city, which informs...
More than 1Â 000 primary school pupils in Belhar, in the Western Cape, are receiving regular meals from a newly-built onsite kitchen constructed using materials donated by Corobrik. Matroosberweg Primary School initiated aCorobrik years back to...
The Department of Human Settlements will not fail on its promise to reach a target of delivering six million houses and subsidies by the end of the current government’s term of office in 2019. That is the sentiment of Human Settlements Minister...
Johannesburg’s roads are in a very bad condition and they are only getting worse. This is according to results released by the Johannesburg Roads Agency’s (JRA) latest assessment of Joburg’s roads network. In comparison to 2013 results, the study...