Articles | Infrastructure news - Part 91


a single heap image

Diversion of waste to landfill

Novel approach to carcass disposal Dr Melanie Jones, a veterinarian based in Cape Town and founder of Zero to Landfill Organics, is running a trial on the composting of companion animal carcasses that are currently being taken to landfill. These...
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Unpacking carbon tax in SA

Experts in the field agree: carbon tax is coming, possibly this financial year or the next, and companies must ready themselves for this extra burden. But what will it entail and how ready is Treasury for implementation? Kyle Mandy, partner at...
Rejoice Mabudafhasi image

Adopt-a-River project gains momentum

The deputy minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, embarks on Sandspruit River clean-up in Senekal, Free State. “One of our biggest challenges in the water sector is high levels of pollution in our rivers nationally, which...