Pictured: Environmental Scientist in the KwaZulu-Natal office of SRK Consulting, Philippa Emanuel Bringing South Africa in line with global standards to manage hazardous waste from industry, mining and other sources will require significant...
Compliance and enforcement are the biggest challenges facing the medical waste/health-care risk waste industry, Stan Jewaskiewitz, past president of IWMSA, tells Chantelle Mattheus. Fundamentally, the medical waste (health-care risk waste – HCRW)...
Introducing Knot’s Dump Solid waste disposal in countries across Africa poses a huge problem. Unfortunately, environmental damage from solid waste is increasing at an alarming rate. To address this issue in its own small landlocked country,...
Although incineration is not synonymous with waste-to-energy, of late it has become more appropriate to replace the word incineration with waste-to-energy, because, in part, of a prevalent negative connotation associated with the word – but also...