A realistic perspective of energy optimisation considerations: Part II Objective of study Rudi Scheepers*, Marlene vd Merwe-Botha** Â *Arcus GIBB (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3965, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa. Email: rscheepers@gibb.co.za **WaterGroup...
Exceptional attention to plant design, construction and finishing, together with innovative solutions to environmental protection needs has resulted in a special product that is intended to be a heritage for the community served by the Drakenstein...
Pictured: Central University of Technology, Free State’s (CUT) water resource expert, Professor Woyessa South Africa’s water resources are low. Annually, South Africa only receives approximately half of the global rainfall average, and global...
When the main 200Â mm uPVC pipe to the clamshell water feature evidenced a leak, causing major water losses and ensuring the feature became non-functional, the only viable solution was to reline the pipe with Nu Flow technology, SA Leak Detection...