Two existing concrete reservoirs in the rural Makhosini region (part of the Zululand District Municipality) have now been supplemented with two new bulk water storage tanks from the SBS Tanks.“Despite being the largest district in the province of...
Mines consume considerably less water than other sectors (5% compared to industry’s 7%and agriculture’s 61%). Yet water is vital for mining operations, and mines realise substantial benefits when they make their water operations more...
The industry, mining and power generation sector accounts for more than 10% of the total annual water use in South Africa. The WISA Mine Water Division has drafted a position paper on water conservation and water demand management (WC/WDM). All...
As the mining industry in Southern Africa continues to grow, there is an increasing need for pumps and valves that are bigger, more energy-efficient and sustainable. KSB Pumps and Valves, a leading manufacturer of pumps and valves, has been at the...