Industrial companies in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) are finding it increasingly difficult to mitigate risks related to water supply and quality. Acting alone in trying to resolve these risks illustrates the shortcomings of non-collaboration and highlights...
The current water crisis in Gauteng affects both industry and home use, with the 15 million residents worried about long-term water security in the province. The Strategic Water Partners Network (SWPN) is a co-chair arrangement between the...
A collaboration between KSB Pumps and Valves (PTY) LTD, the Nama-Khoi Municipality, residents, and other private sector players aims to restore vital water supply to parts of the Nama-Khoi Municipality. This collaboration brings much-needed relief...
Water is scarce, wasted, and taken for granted. It is also a vital source of life and dignity. Mendy Shozi, President of the South Africa Youth Parliament for Water and project manager at Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association, is in...