ERWAT, a truly indigenous South African company, which provides bulk wastewater conveyance and a highly technical and proficient wastewater treatment service to some 2 000 industries and more than 3.5 million people, has a new managing director....
According to government, South Africa’s water resources are already 98% subscribed. The Department of Water and Sanitation’s plan to meet the country’s water demand up until new infrastructure comes online is to implement...
WEC Projects has a long history servicing the mining sector, with its core business for many years focusing on packaged water and sewage treatment plants. Graham Hartlett, sales director, discusses how the benefits of this experience translate...
Festo’s modular automation solution is being called the next evolutionary step in managing water and wastewater treatment works. Based on the development of Industry 4.0, the new technology is likely to become the new standard for water...