With three of South Africa’s provinces having been declared drought disaster regions, the country as a whole faces a long-term water security challenge. Modular water treatment plants may provide an answer. South Africa’s urban areas generally...
Many of South Africa’s wastewater treatment works (WWTWs) are overdesigned and face serious operational and maintenance flaws. Jacques Nieuwoudt, process engineer, AquaPlan Watertreatment Engineering, discusses how the capacity, efficiency and...
Globally, up to 10% of energy used in water treatment goes towards pumping water. Grundfos believes that up to 4% of this can be saved by utilising good pumps and systems. The company has designed a range of energy-efficient, smart products...
While the South African truck market declined during 2017, UD Trucks gained some ground in the heavy commercial vehicle segment with the launch of a new range in the middle of the year. The new Croner range, launched in June 2017, helped the...