Last week the Minister of Finance introduced the revised Carbon Tax Bill to Parliament. The Bill takes into account feedback received during the Parliamentary hearings on the December 2017 draft Bill that took place earlier this year. The Bill aims...
A new analysis has found that as much as 72% of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will rely on infrastructure systems. The report – a collaboration between the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), the UN, the World Bank and other...
The Constitutional Court recently decriminalised the personal use of cannabis. The Master Builders Association of the Western Cape (MBAWC) recently held a workshop to unpack the implications of decriminalisation in terms of occupational health and...
Occupational health and safety specialists have noted that the ruling by the Constitutional Court to decriminalise the private use of cannabis has raised important questions for the construction industry. Gerhard Roets, Construction Health and...