The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor, has announced the establishment of three more research centres of excellence (CoEs), bringing the number of such centres in the country to 17. The CoEs will be in water, HIV and Aids, and human...
The Lydenburg Magistrates Court has ordered Samancor Chrome Limited to pay R200 000 for contravening the Environment Conservation Act. The Department of Environmental Affairs said the conviction followed a plea agreement entered by the State and...
South Africa has taken bold steps to fight climate change, says Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa. “Three years ago renewable energy projects were small and lacking investment, today there is rapid uptake of large-scale renewable energy...
The City of Cape Town’s online housing database has gone live and qualifying residents can now apply online to be registered on this database. Councillor Siyabulela Mamkeli, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements, said the new...