News | Infrastructure news - Part 819


Brian Wilkinson image

Green Building Council certifies 50th building

The Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) has certified its 50th building. After just six years, GBCSA has seen some exceptional growth and the groundswell of green building in South Africa. 51% of South Africa firms are expect to be building...

Burying could CO2 to mitigate damage

Momentum is building behind carbon dioxide capture and storage. According to World-renowned energy expert Sir Eric Ash, the idea of separating CO2 from gases in power stations and bury it is gaining momentum. Ash is not aware of any coal plant...
Trevor Manuel image

Trevor Manuel to discuss role of engineers in NDP

Trevor Manuel will head up the opening plenary session and workshop at the 2014 Civilution Congress. In light of the 13 key deliverables of the National Development Plan (NDP),  Minister Trevor Manuel’s keynote address will focus on the role that...
Pravin Gordhan image

Pravin Gordhan on the NDP

The next administration will inherit sound public finances, a platform for implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) and a framework for collaboration with all stakeholders in driving social and economic transformation. Minister of...