As the construction industry reopens under level 3 lockdown restrictions, the Construction Covid-19 Rapid Response Task Team (CC19RRTT) continues to lobby government for change that will facilitate the recovery of the embattled sector, despite the...
The Vaal Dam continues to drop week-on-week as it slid into distressing levels this week. Presently, the Vaal dam stands at 46.5%, down from 47.2% last week. Having stood at 68.5% exactly a year ago, its is dragging the Integrated Vaal River System...
While the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to derail government expenditure on infrastructure projects, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has told Parliament that the State would have to resume these post-lockdown. Delivering the Supplementary Budget...
Latest stats show 62% of all PET plastic beverage bottles produced in SA in 2019 were collected for recycling. Despite global market contractions, and now the rolling economic impact of Covid-19, South Africa’s PET plastic recycling value chain has...