Water shortages persist in various areas of Johannesburg, prompting scrutiny over the city’s infrastructure and management practices. Experts attribute the ongoing crisis to the aging infrastructure and financial mismanagement within...
In parallel developments, the Gauteng Department of e-Government (GDeG) has disclosed that the country generates a staggering 360,000 tons of e-waste annually, with the province contributing a significant 55% share to this volume. “Consumers...
A newly-imported demo waste compactor model, designed especially for developing countries by German equipment manufacturer BOMAG, is being trialled in South African conditions by EnviroServ Waste Management. The 37.5-ton compactor, with a Cummins...
The first batch of four hydraulic mooring units procured by Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) to improve operations and reduce shipping delays at ports have been delivered and operationalised at the Ports of Cape Town and Ngqura. The batch...