Major cities in Gauteng, the economic heartland of South Africa, are experiencing water shortages due to prolonged loadshedding affecting Rand Water’s distribution network. This has also placed the spotlight on the major investment in water and...
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) launched its much-anticipated 2022 Infrastructure Report Card (IRC) on Friday, 11 November. It reflects an expert view of the institution’s reporting on the current condition of a broad...
South Africa is aiming to ensure clean water and sanitation for all by 2030, and SRK is working with key role players to find the most meaningful ways of measuring our progress. In a paper at the recent Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA)...
A new report – The growing role of forest products in climate change mitigation – launched at COP27, highlights that sustainable forestry operations and forestry policies vary across the globe and suggests that forestry and harvested...