Roads | Infrastructure news - Part 29


Zambian Paving image

Zambian roads to be upgraded

The Concrete Manufacturing Association (CMA) has revealed that the Zambian government has embarked on a roads rehabilitation and infrastructure improvement programme. Part of the programme entails ‘Pave Zambia’, the upgrading ofsome 2 000 km of...
Osborn image

Roads are set to go green

‘Green’ is increasingly the new gold standard in road building and local roads are set to get greener as road builders and associated organisations recognise the value of more environmentally friendly asphalt technologies. This is according to Peet...
Chota Motala image

Incremental launch solution for major bridge

The Chota Motala interchange straddles the N3 freeway as a major access route to the Pietermaritzburg CBD. The interchange had been operating at above capacity for quite some time, evidenced by long delays in traffic on the Chota Motala Road (R33)....