Transport World Africa learns about the legislative impact of recent amendments to the Labour Relations Act on the fleet industry. On 1 January 2015, significant amendments to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA), came into effect....
The one-design-fits-all trailer is dead and buried. Rather than mass produce, the trend nowadays is to design and build tailor-made trailers for the specific needs of customers. “Although our basic design commercial trailers still thrive in a...
Port warehouses have some unique requirements that inland warehouses do not, as Transport World Africa finds out. Warehouses in and around ports often need appropriately surfaced, open yard areas to accommodate the handling of heavy containers....
Liability affects everyone in the import chain, but it’s something about which some parties in this chain are oblivious. *By Hester Hopkins. Liability is defined as an obligation, responsibility, or debt – in this case to the state. Section...