Although not quite as advanced as the Transformer ‘Megatron’, mechanised hydraulic systems are nonetheless just as strong. Effectively deployed, efficiently maintained, this physical strength translates into profit. With the globalized world...
In the first two weeks of December, 520 General Motors South Africa (GMSA) assembly workers trained at the Eastcape Training Centre in Port Elizabeth, focusing on the company’s Global Manufacturing System (GMS). The training, which is facilitated...
Department of Transport welcomes Truckers’ Forum 2012 The South African Department of Transport (DoT) has stated that the cross border road freight transportation system plays a critical role in intraregional trade. The DoT is committed to provide...
During the December/January holiday period, the Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border posts will be operating 24 hours a dayfrom 28 November 2012 up to 12Â February 2013. Due to the increased volume of holiday, business and tourist travel during this...