The Red road runs north of Lubumbashi up into the mountains of the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Even though it is an important part of the national highway system, the road is impossible in the dry season and impassable...
Rebuilding a region ravaged by decades of conflict takes time. As the wounds heal, new infrastructure opens up endless opportunities. This is a success story in the making. In May 1997, the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of Angola formally...
With petrol prices rising and October having been Transport Month, now is the time to start conserving fuel. From the commercial trucker trying to transport his load across the country to the everyday motorist trying to get to work in the 21st...
If you can drive in Johannesburg you can drive anywhere. Then again, that’s what every city says. But, in South Africa, dodging taxis and pedestrians is a daily car, truck or bus driver’s challenge. Whether you live in the city or in a rural area,...